dust, or rain, or sun cover that fits properly for chinook

Stuff that goes in your Chinook but isnt really part of your Chinook.
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terry schultz
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dust, or rain, or sun cover that fits properly for chinook

Post by terry schultz »

I need a dust,rain,sun,waterproof cover for my 1997 21 foot chinook. I a proper size cover for the standard 21 chinook available?
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Re: dust, or rain, or sun cover that fits properly for chinook

Post by deppstein »

I have a cover that came with the Rig when I bought it in 2013. I used it for one winter only (too much trouble for me to be taking it on and off since I run the Rig all year round. It is good/right fit for 21 foot Premier or Concourse. It’s in pristine shape. I live in Boston area. Happy to let you have it for cost of shipping (be mindful, it is pretty bulky).
Send me a text 626/549-1256 or email (David.eppstein1950@gmail.com) if interested.
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Re: dust, or rain, or sun cover that fits properly for chinook

Post by 68camaro »

I went through three covers, last one very expensive, they were all a PITA and only last couple years in VA. I finally got covered parking 18 months ago and except for cost love it. So much easier and convenient.
2001 Concourse XL Lounge model, 6.8L Ford E350 Triton V-10 Chassis.
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