Dinosaur Micro P-711 wiring concern

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Dinosaur Micro P-711 wiring concern

Post by Astrodokk »

I'm at a loss as to how to wire the new board correctly.

I have the Dometic 3663 3 way fridge.
Replaced the old board with a new Micro P-711. The blades are marked J1 to J11, although I don't see a #9 position anywhere.

The old board had only 9 blade positions whereas the new P-711 has 10 blade positions (no #9 blade from 11 labeled).

Luckily the new board is labeled nicely, so I know where the thermocouples go, the interior fridge light, AC power, Ac element et cetera.

But now I'm confused because #J4 says +12V but I didn't see any wire supplying that on the old one (unless it's the heavy red one to the right of J4 in the pic and it was over one too many spaces to the right!
It is the J4 slot where I have the pink female blade cover wired with a red wire going nowhere...wouldn't know hwre to connect it to 12V anyway.

Also, the manual says to add a ground at #J10, but there was a black wire there before, on the old one. I traced it back to one of the elements.

Maybe I need to move the AC power and AC element wires one spot to the left? I'm not even sure if they are the correct ones anyway.
It looks like someone was in here before and may have moved wires around. This fridge never worked, so that may be one scenario.

I don't want to blow fuses if I hook this up wrong.

Can anybody show me a closeup pic of their new Micro P-711 wiring please?

PS Also, where does the blue wire go to? it is loose and looks like someone cut it. I noticed on other pics that there are three wires going into that plastic module, and mine has only two with the third blue one loose.
fridge circuit board.jpg
fridge circuit board.jpg (37 KiB) Viewed 4417 times
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Re: Dinosaur Micro P-711 wiring concern

Post by caconcourse »

DinoBoard (1).jpg
DinoBoard (2).jpg
Here are pictures of my Dino board connections which has been working for years. As I recall I think the blue wire does indeed connect to nothing. I did have to make a ground jumper connected to J10, but it sounds as though your wires have been tampered with and you probably already have that jumper.
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Re: Dinosaur Micro P-711 wiring concern

Post by Astrodokk »

Clay, thanks for that pic.
I see that indeed my wires are shifted one space to the right, so I will now shift them one step left and make a ground for J10.
board2.jpg (28.3 KiB) Viewed 4409 times
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Re: Dinosaur Micro P-711 wiring concern

Post by Astrodokk »

Here is the new setup...looks just like yours now. Thank you!
2000 Ford E-350 415CI/6.8L V-10 Triton Superduty 4X4 Chinook Concourse XL Club Lounge
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